tisdag 5 december 2006

Om eldsjälen Laura Gibbs och Rudolf på latin

Med morgonposten fick jag följande mail från en vän:

On a less rigorous note, if you've ever wondered what it would be like to sing 'Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer' in Latin, the following website might give you a good idea:
The site is part of an extensive project put together by bestiary specialist and Latin extraodinaire Laura Gibbs of the University of Oklahoma.
Laura also runs a 'Harrius Potter' reading group. Happily, 'Harrius Potter et camera secretorum' will be available the day after Christmas, for all those eager shoppers with gift certificates:

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Fin länk! Bara svårt i dessa tider att finna någon att sjunga på latin med...
Sed spes tam Rudolpho quam pro me vivit.
Pax Dei